Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Finland bans smoking for good
There are several European countries now that ban smoking in public buildings, including restaurants and pubs. But Finland will be the country that would be the first to adopt a total ban for smoking tobacco products.New Zealand’s Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) director Ben Youdan said the same approach was needed here.
We need to set a good deadline to get rid of smoking and remind ourselves this is an urgent health priority. Smoking creates a huge problem for adult and for young people too. The Maori affairs Select Committee inquiry into tobacco is our chance to call for that deadline. New Zeeland needed to set its sights on making the country tobacco free by 2020.
“The tobacco industry needs to be held to account and it looks like Finland intends to do exactly that.”
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Bond Betweeen Cigarettes and Our Health
Smoking cigarettes is the most preventable cause of premature death. The health effects of involuntary exposure to secondhand smoke are widespread, causing heart disease, lung cancer, respiratory problems and increase risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
The health hazards of tobacco use were clearly defined in 2006 when the U.S. Surgeon General issued his report on the dangers of secondhand smoke and the serious consequences associated with tobacco use. It concluded that there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke and that the only true way to protect workers is to eliminate smoking in indoor places. This new smoke-free law will improve the health and well being of employees and the general public.
Although tobacco companies have made numerous claims that smoke-free laws hurt businesses, various research have shown that not to be true. Revenue does not decrease as a result of smoke-free laws. In fact, many experience an increase in customers, which increases revenue. A smoke-free state not only enhances our public health image but it’s a good business investment as well.
Gov. Granholm and the Legislature realised the importance of a smoke-free law and its impact on public health.
Fresh Information About Green Cigarettes
The problem most of us have is that we don’t know anyone personally who uses an electric cigarette so it can be hard to get the information we need about what devices are good and which are nothing but junk. There are so many places that are brand Chinese imports and try to pass them off as their own high quality e cigs that its easy to get stuck with a substandard example.Yes, its better to spend a little extra and get the quality right off the bat. This is an American company that has a commitment to quality and a product that beats the competition hands down.
The big problem with this is that many of you will buy something Online that doesn’t meet your expectations and you’ll think all e cigarettes are the same and forget about trying to use one to help you stop smoking. Even if you only substitute your nicotine addiction with the e cig rather than quit altogether.
And simple things like leaky nicotine cartridges and batteries that don’t hold their charge may be enough to drive you back to smoking analogues before you have given the concept a chance.
The main reason I believe they are better due to the integrated atomizer and nicotine cartridge which means every time you stick a new cart on your device you are getting an new atomizer at the same time. This ensures the quality of the “smoking” experience is as good 6 months down the line as the day you receive your e cigarette in the post.Its true that green smoke electric cigarette are a bit more expensive than the competition but the difference in quality is unmistakable from the moment you take it out the box.